Health Read


What is it ?

PCOS is a hormonal problem that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, insulin   production, heart, blood vessels & physical appearance.

What are the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

            • Infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods and/or Irregular bleeding
            • Infertility or inability to conceive as of result of not ovulating.
            • Increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs or toes
            • Acne, Oily skin, or dandruff
            • Pelvic pain
            • Weight gain or mainly central obesity
            • Type 2 diabetes
            • Male-pattern baldness or thinning hair
            • Patches of thickened & dark brown or black skin on the neck, arms, breasts or thighs.



    • Eating fresh food, wholesome food & eating in peace – You will need to follow all these three golden rules, together and at every meal, if you really care about your ovaries
    • Avoid anything that’s overheated like an overcooked sabzi or dal that has been boiled over and over and microwaved food
    • Ensure the proper amount of carbs & that too the unprocessed ones like wheat, jowar, bajra, nachni or ragi etc because it give us fibre, which leads to a slow & steady rise of blood sugar level
    • Ovaries is all protein based, So eating complete protein is a must like dal, eggs, paneer, cheese etc
    • Essential fatty acids like Omega-3 & Omega-6 which you can find in oils like groundnut, til, sesame, safflower, sunflower, rice bran, olive, etc along with nuts
    • Micro minerals like selenium, zinc & chromium improve our body’s insulin sensitivity.


    • Regular workouts are the key to regular periods
    • Weight-training workouts are a must for two main reasons:-
        • They help strengthen all organs – heart, lungs, pancreas, ovaries etc
        • The post weight- training, your body experiences an after burn for the next 36 to 48 hrs. More after-burn means lower body fat levels
    • Cardio is a great way to burn fat, especially if its associated with learning new movement or skills
    • Surya namaskars, along with pelvic-opening exercises will help.


Sleep at the same time every day & wake up at the same time every day if you are really keen on staying hormonally vibrant