(Preschool to School Program)
Education on Topic
The child who is taught to eat everything on his plate is much more likely to enjoy optimal health than the one who picks and chooses. Juvenile obesity occurs most rapidly in the first few years of life. There is a marked increase in the adipose tissue cells. Too many calories injected in infancy and early childhood leads to an overproduction of fat cells followed by hypertrophy (enlargement of the fat cells). Fat cells once developed do not disappear nor differentiate. For this reason, fat children are inclined to be fat adults.
- The incidence of childhood obesity relates strongly to family variables, including parental obesity, small family size and family pattern of inactivity.
Excess consumption of calories, low nutritional value snacks which are high in salt, sugar, and fat.
An increase amount of time spent viewing television, playing videogames OR surfing the internet
- Binge eating.
- Overweightle physical.
- Nutrient deficiencies.
Why Nutrryone
Growth is influenced by nutrition. The diet should be adequate in quantity of different nutrients & include a variety of foods. Children’s appetites & nutritional needs vary considerably based on age, size, activity level & rate of growth. This program has been designed keeping in mind these parameters, Nutritional requirement, Food requirements & Nutritional related problems of children (2-12 years). The program also includes specially designed child nutrition support kit.