Health Read


What is it ?

Blood Pressure (BP) is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of the artery. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm hg. High blood pressure known as hypertension is greater than 140/90 mm hg.


Headache, Dizziness, Shortness of breath, Pain over the heart, Gastrointestinal disturbance & unexplained tiredness

What is the role of dietary salt in hypertension ?

High blood pressure is related to dietary intake of salt and fats. High salt intake leads to water retention and increase in the volume of blood in the circulation. This leads to an extra load on the heart and it responds by increasing its pumping pressure.


    • Maintain your ideal body weight
    • Fats should be of plant origin including soya oil, groundnut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil & Fats from animal origin such as ghee, butter, etc. should be restricted.
    • Foods high in complex carbs such as wheat, bajra, ragi, etc. should be included in the diet.
    • A normal protein intake is suggested. Excess amount of proteins should be avoided, as these foods are usually high in animal fat as well as sodium.
    • Sodium restriction along with weight reduction is effective in controlling hypertension. Therefore use of salt should be restricted.
    • Eat a healthy diet containing soluble fibres such as fruit & vegetables. Avoid fast foods & restaurant foods as they use a very high amount of salt. Avoid ketchup, pickles, olives, all sauces, canned foods, salted nuts, peanut butter, chips, popcorn.
    • Avoid coffee & colas, do not drink excessive alcohol. Exercise regularly to keep fit & reduce stress. Do make it a point to relax after work.