(Worries to Ovaries Program)

Education on Topic

PCOS is a hormonal problem that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, insulin   production, heart, blood vessels & physical appearance. PCOS / PCOD is the most common hormonal reproductive problem in women of childbearing age. An estimated 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age have PCOS / PCOD. In women with PCOS, the ovary doesn’t make all the hormones it needs for any of the eggs to fully mature. They may start to grow and accumulate fluid. But no one egg becomes large enough. Instead, some may remain as cysts. Since no egg matures or is released, ovulation does not occur, and the hormone progesterone is not made. Without progesterone, a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular OR absent. Also, the cysts produce male hormones, which continue to prevent ovulation.


No one knows the exact cause of PCOS. Women with PCOS frequently have a mother OR sister with PCOS. But there is not yet enough evidence to say there is a genetic link to this disorder, suggesting a strong connection to a modern lifestyle.


  • Infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods and/or irregular bleeding.
  • Increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs or toes.
  • Acne, Oily skin, or dandruff.
  • Weight gain or mainly central obesity.


  • 4 Sessions


  • 8 Sessions


  • 12 Sessions

Why Nutrryone

We believe “Not the DOCTOR, but NATURE heals” our grandmothers have treated us with their home remedies. Herbal remedies are the oldest and the most natural form of therapy with no side effects and most of them can be put together with common ingredients found in our kitchen. Along with these remedies we design the program which includes personalised weekly diet sessions according to your food habits and lifestyle with lots of food options, 1-day special detox after very session to eliminate the toxins through feces and