Health Read


What is it ?

Thyroid gland is a beautiful butterfly shaped gland in your neck, in front of your windpipe, just below the “ADAM’S APPLE”. Its function is to a produce a group of hormones collectively called the “THYROID HORMONE”

When does it Malfunction ?

  • Lack of nutrition plays a huge role in disturbing the thyroid
  • Lack of sensible exercise (and no walks took stairs in office; sat in the sauna don’t count as exercise)
  • Stress and lack of sleep irritate the thyroid further
  • Our body is interlinked; just one organ/hormone/muscle/bone / nerve / cell is not causing a problem to our body or life. In fact, our lifestyle, diet, exercise, stress levels, etc. trigger problems through the entire body.

Types & Symptoms ?

  • Hypothyroidism is condition is due to the decreased secretion of the thyroid hormone. Symptoms are low BMR, weight gain, constipation, anaemia, menstrual disturbance, infertility and many more.
  • Hyperthyroidism is condition due to an excessive secretion of thyroxin with a consequent increase in the metabolic rate. Symptoms are weight loss, palpitation, muscular weakness, diarrhoea, menstrual disturbance, lack of sleep and many more.



Reassure and support your thyroid with the essential amino acids, good quality carbs (unprocessed), Iodine and with your doctor’s recommendation start taking vitamins B, C & E supplements


  • Try & perform cardio exercises that will not stress your weight-bearing joints like knee, ankle, lower back and hips. Cycling & Swimming are excellent options that provide good cardio-respiratory stimuli to the heart and lungs while not stressing your joints, tendons, bones, ligaments.
  • Weight-training exercises once in a week.
  • Yoga under expert guidance will create a fine balance in the system & work on every single cell of the body.


Hypothyroid is a sign of poor recovery – So sleeping well and waking up fresh are the cornerstones of supporting the thyroid function.